Well, at least I have an excuse to buy more cloth diapers
All the cloth diaper emails I get were torturing me, so now I have an excuse to buy a LOT of them. I was thinking I'd need about 72 infant diapers and 12 covers, but a friend who CD'd twins said she only had 48 diapers and that worked out perfectly for her to wash every other day and still have some to use while they were in the wash. That was a relief, since that will save me about $36. I figure I'll get enough disposables from showers, etc. to get them through the first couple weekw or so, until the meconium stage is over. Plus, they could very well be in the hospital for several days, depending on how early they come, and I'm sure they won't use the cloth even if I want them to. Anyway, I've developed a whole diaper buying strategy. I'll get 2 covers and a dozen prefolds a month, until I have enough prefolds. Then I'll just get covers and maybe a pocket or extra inserts each month until they arrive. That way, I'm not shelling out $200+ for diapers at once. That said, $200 is less than 2 mos. worth of disposables for 2 babies, so I'm still saving HUGE, even though I'll eventually have to upsize the prefolds and a few covers after a year or so. By then, though, I won't need as many. Everybody says 2 in cloth might be enough to send me back to disposables, but I don't think so. The thought of $200+ a month on diapers about makes me hyperventilate. I'll stick to my mounds of laundry instead thanks.
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