Pregnancy Update

OK, I know I haven't posted anything in forever, so here's a quick update.

16 wks.- Told by my OB that I'd probably have to stop working at 20 wks. but still be able to go to school.

17 wks.- Went to the zoo for a couple hours and started having Braxton-Hicks contractions.  Ended up being so uncomfortable that I had to lie on my left side the rest of the night.  No more walking around the zoo for me.

18 wks., 6 days- 3D u/s for gender determination

19 wks., 3 days- OB checked my cervix and it was soft, thinned, and starting to dilate on the outside.  Not good.  Taken off work and school immediately and placed on modified bedrest and weekly checkups.  2 days later, had my first level II u/s- coolest thing ever.  It was amazing seeing the little tiny bones and the heart valves opening and closing and everything.  However, I found out that Baby A has a velamentous cord insertion, which makes a vaginal delivery risky.

21 wks.- OB and I decide to just plan on a c-section rather than risk the affected cord vessel rupturing and causing the baby to bleed out during the birth.  We will probably schedule it between 36-37 wks., but we're working with perinatal on that, and if I go into labor before then, we'll just do it then, provided it's not crazy early.  She doesn't want me laboring long at all.  Already measuring 29 wks.  Cervix looks the same, which is good.

23 wks., 4 days- Back to perinatal for another level II in 8 hrs.  These are seriously so cool.  Hoping for all good news this time.  They will be checking Baby A's growth closely, since the VCI could cause issues with growth, but that's rare, so I'm not really worried.  And I'm only 3 days away from the babies officially being viable outside the womb.  Now they'd still need a LOT of time in NICU, but you celebrate any victory you can when things start to go south so early.


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