Spiritual Sensitivity

I don't know why this caught me off guard, since I taught toddlers at church for years and had many similar conversations with Logan when he was little, but he was bit older and I just wasn't expecting so many spiritual conversations with my 3 year old just yet.  Then again, it's only been a couple months that he could actually hold a coherent conversation, so that could be part of it.  Anyway, one day he was looking through the DVD's trying to pick one to watch and he pulled out The Animated Passion, pointed to Jesus on the cross on the cover and declared sadly "That's Jesus.  He died."  Um, what?  Where did this come from?  Never having seen the actual movie myself, I go into a panic thinking that, like the original Passion, it didn't cover the resurrection and trying to figure out how to explain it to Gabe.  We talked about how Jesus isn't dead anymore but risen and waiting for us in Heaven and how he had to die so we could go to Heaven, all the while not knowing if any of this is sinking in.  When I talked about the tomb and the stone being gone, he showed me on the back cover where it showed the stone rolling away, so that made me feel a little better that they hadn't left out the most important part, and that he at least made that connection.  I suspect he has a hard time connecting Baby Jesus with Jesus on the cross though, as he never really talks about other storieis involving Jesus.  Oh, and his versions of his Sunday School lessons are quite enlightening.  Jonah was about a big whale and God was inside the whale and then it spit Him out.  We eventually convinved him that it was Jonah in the whale and he was just talking to God, but it took a few days.  Daniel and Lion's Den was summarized as "God eats the tigers."  Yesterday's was the most puzzling one though.  It was about God giving Hannah a baby and Hannah saying "Thank you" to God.  His version: "She had a baby and she was mad."  Huh?  ::scratching head::  There was also something about Baby Jesus in there.  Not sure where he got anything about anyone being mad out of that story.  I tried to explain that she was sad when she couldn't have a baby, but then she was very happy when Samuel was born, but he was still convinced someone was mad.  I think we need to find another version of that story and try again.


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