Pregnancy Update with Pic
Well, we made it to 28 wks., so the next goal is 32. The twins are doing great. Last week at my ultrasound Baby A was 2 lbs. 6 oz. and Baby B was 2 lbs. 9 oz. Heart rates are consistently good, and fluid levels looked great. I did have to go to labor and delivery on Easter for crazy frequent contractions, but they stopped on their own, and everything checked out fine. My OB said if it happens again, she'll put me on meds to slow them down, but we're trying to avoid that if at all possible, as they can have nasty side effects. I'm on stricter bedrest now, supposed to be lying down most of the time instead of sitting, as sitting is the main position that seems to cause contractions, so no church for a few weeks. :-( Thankfully, my old church has their services online, so I can watch them.
My short term disability FINALLY went through, so I have been busy buying things for the babies. I got a great deal on 6 super cute, washed but never used diaper covers on, and I got a free nursing cover from a Mother's Day deal. Just need 4-6 more covers, pump parts, and receiving blankets/swaddlers and we'll at least have the absolute necessities to bring these babies home. Planner that I am, I had hoped to have everything together by 28 wks., but clearly that didn't work out so well. It's hard to get things ready when you can't go anywhere or do laundry, but it will get done eventually.
Here's a pic Neil took the other day. I look about the same size in this pic as I did in my 35 week one with Gabe, which is about right, since I'm measuring 34.5 wks.
My short term disability FINALLY went through, so I have been busy buying things for the babies. I got a great deal on 6 super cute, washed but never used diaper covers on, and I got a free nursing cover from a Mother's Day deal. Just need 4-6 more covers, pump parts, and receiving blankets/swaddlers and we'll at least have the absolute necessities to bring these babies home. Planner that I am, I had hoped to have everything together by 28 wks., but clearly that didn't work out so well. It's hard to get things ready when you can't go anywhere or do laundry, but it will get done eventually.
Here's a pic Neil took the other day. I look about the same size in this pic as I did in my 35 week one with Gabe, which is about right, since I'm measuring 34.5 wks.
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