Hi, my name is Serena, and my kid struggles in school

I was pretty much a straight A student.  My reading and comprehension scores were always several grade levels ahead.  Learning came easily to me (with the exception of calculus and the related sciences, which still give me flashbacks).  However, I was never good at breaking things down to help other people learn.  Therefore, I'm having a hard time with the fact that Gabe has to work so.darn.hard at reading, and to a lesser extent, math.  It's not that I expected everything to be as easy for him as it was for me.  It's just that I don't know how to help him. 

A few weeks into the year, we got a letter that Gabe would be getting 30 min. of extra reading/writing support a day with the Literacy Specialist.  I was thrilled.  Someone who can help him!  Hooray!  However, his work load is really heavy now.  Each night he has to read 4-6 books, do math homework, practice sight words (he's supposed to know 200 by Christmas, we're not even to 100), practice writing sentences on a line with proper capitalization, spacing, etc., and practice writing his double digit numbers so he stops reversing them. We don't do sentence and number practice daily, but a couple nights a week.  He is doing better with reading and writing and has made a ton of progress in a small amount of time, but he still writes a lot of his numbers backward, mixes up b/d/p, and forgets that u doesn't say /w/ at the beginning of a word.  We are trying to use different ways of learning the sight words so he doesn't get so bored and frustrated, but it's still repetitive.  His assigned books are getting more interesting as his reading progresses, which makes it much less of a battle to get him to read.  We're also reading chapter books to him before bed, so he has something closer to his comprehension level.

I know that, in the end, all the hard work will be worth it, but I just hope he doesn't end up hating school in the process.


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