Why can't we let kids be kids?

OK, this is a bit of a rant, but it's my blog and I'll rant if I want to.  This week, a new, highly anticipated, line of printed Bumgenius cloth diapers came out.  We cloth diapering mamas tend to be a little vain about our diapers, so people have been clamoring for years for prints from Bumgenius, one of the most popular brands of cloth diapers.  We finally got them.  What's on them?  5 remarkably similar abstract designs in different (single) colors.  OK.  What kid is that going to appeal to?  They're DIAPERS, not purses.  They're very pretty, but they definitely appeal more to moms than kids.  Granted, a baby doesn't care what their diaper looks like, and toddlers like fun prints.  I think it's nice to have 1-2 prints that are more mom-friendly, but all 5?  The other companies have much more kid-friendly prints, like cows and polka dots and cars and Dr. Seuss, not necessarily babyish, but something kids like.  In Bumgenius' defense, they are changing the prints every so often.  They will be debuting different series of diapers by different artists every so often.  I just hope they pick something a little more kid-friendly next time.

On a related not, I am getting really annoyed with all the people who want kids to be mini adults, with no kid-like preferences.  For instance, characters, especially princesses.  All little girls love princesses, so why are so many moms against them having princess things?  Princesses are not bad.  The image of a helpless princess who needs rescued by a knight in shining armor may be, but it is up to us to teach girls to defy those stereotypes.  Buying a kid a Cinderella bedspread is not going to teach her to be a helpless, codependent female.  Nor is it going to ruin the decor of your house.  Seriously?  Who goes in your kid's room except family?  So what if it's Cinderella, or Cars, or Thomas the Train, or whatever character your kid is into instead of modern, or shabby chic, or whatever you like.  I can't tell you how many people I have heard say "I'm never buying my kid character shirts/decor/whatever."  Yes, you pay for the character on the front, but often, these same people are spending 2-3 times as much for Pottery Barn Kids bedding just so it looks more adult and goes with the rest of their house.  What is wrong with ballerinas or soccer players or whatever your kid is into?  It's their room.  Let them enjoy their kid stuff while they're still iittle.  In 8-10 yrs., they'll be wanting to put posters of their latest celebrity crush all over their room, and the days of Ariel and Elmo will be gone forever.  It reminds me of the song "You're Gonna Miss This" by Trace Adkins.  Enjoy this time while it's here.  It'll be over before you know it.  While you're not likely to regret letting kids have a Cars room, you will regret wanting your kids to grow up too fast.


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