God Has Brought Me Laughter

So we've all heard the expression "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans."  Well, wait until he shows you part of His plan.  Then you'll be the one laughing.  Here's the story...

We found out 3 wks. ago that we were having another baby.  This was a few months earlier than planned, as the baby would be due right around the time I take my boards.  However, we got used to the idea and were getting excited.  Then we went for our first ultrasound.  We were hoping to see a nice rapid heartbeat up on the screen.  Instead, we got this:

Doc: 'Well, I see 2 sacs."
Me: "Oh no!" What are we going to do with 2 babies?
Neil: "What?  Twins?  Are you sure?"
Me: "Yeah, Honey, there are definitely 2 sacs there."  We're going to need a lot more diapers.  So much for not needing much this time around.
Doc: "Let me just look around a little more."
Me: "Oh, I definitely see 2."  We have got to get out of our lease.
Doc: "Oh yeah, I just want to make sure there are only 2."
Me: There better only be 2!  Holy crap, we definitely can't handle more than 2!
Doc: Yeah, I just see the 2, and we definitely have 2 fast heartbeats.
Neil: "Are you sure there's 2?"

Here they are:

So yeah, 2 healthy (so far) babies, due July 24.  With my history of preterm labor, we are really hoping to make it to July 3 (37 wks.), but my doc doesn't sound too optimistic about that.  Looks like more bedrest may be in store for me toward the end.  Despite all this, I couldn't stop laughing all day.  I was just in shock.  Twins will be a blessing, but oh what a challenge, especially with a 3-year-old.  Pray for us- specifically that the babies are healthy and stay in as long as possible and that this does not keep me from finishing school, as we need the additional income more than ever now.


  1. That's a great image!!

    (Psst. it's wyld).

  2. You always were a good bargain hunter. Whoda thunk you would find a two for one sale on grandchildren for me! :)

  3. Yay! Congrats x2 :) I truly hope the pregnancy goes well for you. What a blessing!


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