Oh my goodness, the whining and fits

This kid is driving me crazy.  We had a lovely playdate with his friend Vivi yesterday.  However, getting him to a. leave the house, b. leave the play cafe where the playdate was, and c. leave the cloth diaper store we went to after the playdate was a nightmare.  Leaving the store involved full-out kicking, screaming, and knocking my glasses on the ground.  Oy vey.  Of course, once Daddy got home, he was just fine (besides refusing dinner after whining for it).  Then today he's been whining since he got up.  He didn't want either of the kinds of cereal we had, so I gave him oatmeal and a pop-tart.  He finishes those and decides he wants Cheerios.  OK, fine, gave him some Cheerios.  He gets halfway through and decides he's done, primarily because he thinks I'm playing his train game on FB without him, which I'm not.  I tell him, "Ok, I'll let you down when I finish my bagel, and we'll play the train game, but you need to sit there and behave while I eat.  Do not make a mess with your cereal or milk or no train game."  What's he do?  Dumps his cereal all over his tray.  "OK, fine, no train game.  I told you what would happen if you did that and you did it anyway."  Cue the whining again.   He's now in his room for a little chill time.  It's awfully quiet.  I'm starting to wonder if he needs a nap already.


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